Educators Rising-Collegiate Division

Educators Rising students have support and opportunities throughout college! We are excited to partner with Aspiring Educators to provide a seamless transition from secondary to post-secondary education for our members and provide continued support as they continue their journey to the classroom.

  • To join Aspiring Educators and Educators Rising as a student, see if your school has a chapter by looking up your state and joining today.
  • If an Aspiring Educators chapter already exists on your campus, you are all set to join that chapter. After joining, all new members will receive a promotional code to allow them to register for the Educators Rising Collegiate program at no charge. This way, you will have access to resources in both organizations for only one fee.
Join Educators Rising Collegiate/Aspiring Educators

Note: The Aspiring Educators application asks for a social security number, but this is not required. Applicants can enter any nine digits in this field.