TAFE logoContact Us

Texas Association of Future Educators
1833 South IH-35, Austin TX 78741
512-443-2100 | Fax: 512 442-3343

TAFE Staff Directory:

TAFE State Program Director: Monica Oliver
[email protected] | 512-443-2100 ext. 8512
Program Development, Starting a chapter, Competitive Events, Sponsorships

TAFE Program Assistant: Jessica Castaneda
[email protected] | 512-443-2100 ext. 8509
Membership, Conference and Workshop registrations, and TAFE Store order questions.

Accountant: Whitney Kelly
[email protected] | 512-443-2100 ext. 8514

Accounts payable and receivable

Exhibits: Ofra Levinson
[email protected] | 512-443-2100 ext. 8507

Exhibit Coordinator 

Executive Director: Archie E. McAfee
[email protected] | 512-443-2100 ext. 8503