Develop leadership characteristics.

  • Create a breakout session
  • Do a professional development session for teachers during in-service 
  • Attend leadership workshops
  • Recruit for TAFE
  • Have a local leadership training
  • Run for area or state office
  • Invite guest speakers
  • Start “supportive friend” program
  • Participate in peer counseling
  • Select a leader for the day, month
  • Help start a TAFE chapter in another school
  • Invite a new chapter to come to one of your events
  • Host a local leadership training/team building day for your chapter, district, or area
  • Hold banquet to honor outstanding members
  • Discuss leadership qualities
  • Hold parliamentary procedure workshop
  • Host a conference for your area to learn more about TAFE
  • Host a TAFEPALOOZA (TAFE boot camp)
  • Select a TAFE member as "Leader of the Month"
  • Create a classroom space (such as a display board or bulletin board to highlight a chapter member's leadership
  • Create a "Leaders Hall of Fame" in classroom featuring officers and committee chairs

Five Leadership Styles That Will Mess Up Your Team by Kent Julian