Connect with the community by addressing the needs of others
- Park Clean Up
- Adopt-a-Something: park, highway, kid, senior citizen, area of campus, hallway
- Walk-a-thon
- Auction for Charity
- Blood Drive
- Crime Watch
- Safety Watch on Halloween
- Host a Community Easter Egg Hunt
- Caroling
- Senior Citizen Dance
- Habitat for Humanity
- Cut Grass for Senior Citizen
- Cleanup Campus
- Paint Trash Cans
- Collect for Needy: books, clothes, food
- Help at Registration
- Baby-Sit at Back to School Night
- Work at Special Olympics
- Shop/House Clean/Read for Elderly
- Visit Children’s Hospital
- Food Baskets
- Sponsor CPR classes
- Provide guides for PTA meetings
- Help run the field day/carnival at the local elementary
- Shoebox Christmas
- Donate water to firefighters when there are grass fires
- Collecting supplies for disaster relief
- Angel tree/adopt a family
- Volunteer at: homeless shelters, animal shelters, food pantries, day care centers, nursing homes, etc.
- Build-a-bear-give away at children's hospitals
- Meals for public servants
- Wash fire trucks